
Our Process

Our process involves day to day management. We follow a detailed portfolio construction methodology, screening processes, with buy and sell discipline. Our portfolios will always be diversified both within and across asset classes. We re-balance portfolios at least quarterly so one holding is never too much weight in our portfolios. We utilize tax management programs to reduce capital gains or eliminate them entirely.


A thorough understanding of your needs and goals is key to the creation of your comprehensive wealth plan. We take the time to listen, ask incisive questions, and gain insight into your life and the things that matter most to you.


In this part of the process, we gather all relevant documentation and thoroughly review your financial and estate resources to help you comprehend how your assets are positioned, how they will ultimately transfer and how they can be harnessed to achieve your overall goals.

Advise and Implement

We offer thoughtful and insightful recommendations tailored to your goals and resources. We work with you to evaluate all options so that you can decide which choices are right for you. We then act to ensure that your overall plan is implemented. We excel at assembling all your advisors and subject matter professionals to ensure everyone is on the same page and working on your behalf.

Monitor and Evolve

Through ongoing communication, we continuously monitor progress toward your goals. As your needs change, and as tax laws and market conditions fluctuate, we carefully consider and discuss your strategy with you. We are always candidly evaluating whether your strategy remains on target or if adjustments are needed.

Fee-only Advice

An open and transparent relationship is the key to long-term success.

Let's Get Acquainted

We offer a complimentary "Get Acquainted" meeting to describe our services, and to see if our services are right for you.


  • Phone:
    (844) 58-BRAIN
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Securities offered through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. & LPL Financial. Members FINRA/SIPC. Disclaimer | Form CRS | ADV
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